The Door Garden Club, Inc. was established as a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization in 2023. As such, the club sponsors fundraising events, receives charitable donations, and awards grants and scholarships aligned with its purpose. The purpose of the Door Garden Club, Inc. is to appreciate, learn, share, and support the beauty, value, and conservation of plants, gardens, parks, and green spaces.
The Small Green Spaces Grants Program is intended to support the projects of small groups of neighbors who propose to create new, or revitalize existing, small green spaces in residential neighborhoods on public land in Door County. Proposed plantings must include noninvasive species native to Door County.
SMALL GREEN SPACES GRANT proposals are due June 15. These written applications must include the following information:
Name of Project
Purpose or Intent
Project Description
Goals and Objectives
Activities and Timeline
Letters of support, cooperation, permission, and commitment for matching funds ~ from neighbors, organizations, and the government entity on which the project is to be located.
SCHOLARSHIP applications are due June 15. Click HERE for the Application Form. Successful applicants must:
Have graduated from a Door County high school
Have successfully completed at least two years of full time study at an accredited college or university
Be a full time student who has declared a major in a field of study that relates to the Door Garden Club's purpose
Grant and scholarship recipients will be selected by the Grants & Scholarships Committee. Applicants will be notified and awards will be announced at the club's June membership meeting.
One or more Small Green Spaces grants will be awarded for one or more projects.
One or more scholarships will be awarded to one or more deserving undergraduate and/or graduate student(s).